I have chosen for my last blog of this year, as we approach 2024, to highlight some quotes from Walt Disney and his characters – doubly appropriate for the season, the quotes for their content, and Disney for the magic.
I have chosen quotes to encourage goal setting, action, and so build confidence.
chosen quotes to encourage goal setting, action, and so build confidence.
1. “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” (Walt Disney)
What simple, sound advice. Sitting and daydreaming may take you on a pleasant journey but not transform what you wish for into reality. That takes planning and usually hard work. The first step is to turn your dream into a practical, achievable goal and to write it down, or record digitally. Next, list all the tasks to get you there; then prioritise them. Decide when you will start and when you will finish and note it on a planner. Take your first step on your start date.

2. “Admit defeat, and defeat will surely admit you into permanent custody.” – Beret Girl (An Extremely Goofy Movie)
Some of the steps you will need to take to reach your goal may be challenging. There may be financial or interpersonal hurdles to surmount.
You will want to budget and borrow; in so doing it may involve time to find the best deal that is safe and secure.
There may be awkward discussions or people around you who are critical or discouraging. Be patient and persistent to pursue your own path.
3. “You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” – Winnie the Pooh (Pooh’s Most Grand Adventure)
To truly achieve requires clarity of purpose, confidence in your goal, skills, and qualities, as well as consistency and resilience. Have the courage to meet new challenges, to acquire new skills and find the right people who have the skills you need to make things work.
Don’t allow the hiccups that inevitably occur to deter you from your path.
Have confidence in your ideas and abilities and keep expanding your knowledge and competencies.

4. “Fairy tales can come true. You gotta make ‘em happen. It all depends on you.” – The Princess and the Frog
While it’s fair to say that not all of it depends on you, as things outside of your control could get in the way, it is true that mostly it depends on you.
The detail planning, the commitment, the choice of people you involve, the tenacity and determination are yours. I hope you make at least some of your dreams come true.
I wish you a positive start to 2024 and the confidence and courage to make happen what you wish for yourself.
Kind regards,
Lucy Seifert